Highlights from the 2015 Summer School
- Click for more photos from the 4th Summer School
- Patricia Morrissey – Chairperson of the Carlingford Heritage Trust
- Wally Kirwan in the Chair
- Mark O’Neill, CEO of the National Museum of Canada, which provided the loan of the gun that killed McGee, addresses the conference.
- The popular Q and A session
- Resting on their laurels
- opening cermony
- Pat performs official opening cermony
- Thomas D’Arcy McGee Exhibition Centre
- Seafood Banquet
- Prof. Wison practicing extreme moderation
- Super Mario
- Joan Martin, Chairperson
- James Quinn – Mitchel’s biographer on McGee
- The Politicians’ Forum
- Sean Treanor as McGee
- Donal O’Hanlon’s Mitchel accuses McGee
- All guilty of providing engaging, enlightening entertainment
- Laugh and the world…
- Given McGee’s death – a great tribute to the mortician’s art
- Which bit do I put in my moutth?
- Gerry O’Connor deep in thought
- ‘hat’s it -Smile
- Moderation in the extreme