Mark O’Neill, CEO of the National Museum of Canada, which provided the loan of the gun that killed McGee, addresses the conference.
4th Annual Thomas D’Arcy McGee Summer School
2015 saw the Summer School enter it’s fourth year and a return to the Carlingford Heritage Center. As in previous years the attendees would look forward to a packed two days of discussion, debate and entertainment with an exciting line up of speakers, tipped to be the best of the four years to date.
The major attraction of 2015 was the opening of the Thomas D’Arcy McGee Exhibition in the refurbished Station House in Carlingford. Filled with various artifacts from McGee’s life kindly donated from Canada and information boards about McGee and his legacy, it proved to be a popular attraction during the Summer School.
This year also saw the return of the Wake of Thomas D’Arcy McGee which was thoroughly enjoyed by those in attendance and also confused some tourists who were visiting Carlingford at the time. The trial drama took a twist this year when we saw Thomas D’Arcy McGee himself being tried by John Mitchell.
- Click for more photos from the 4th Summer School
- Patricia Morrissey – Chairperson of the Carlingford Heritage Trust
- Wally Kirwan in the Chair
- Mark O’Neill, CEO of the National Museum of Canada, which provided the loan of the gun that killed McGee, addresses the conference.
- The popular Q and A session
- Resting on their laurels
- opening cermony
- Pat performs official opening cermony
- Thomas D’Arcy McGee Exhibition Centre
- Seafood Banquet
- Prof. Wison practicing extreme moderation
- Super Mario
- Joan Martin, Chairperson
- James Quinn – Mitchel’s biographer on McGee
- The Politicians’ Forum
- Sean Treanor as McGee
- Donal O’Hanlon’s Mitchel accuses McGee
- All guilty of providing engaging, enlightening entertainment
- Laugh and the world…
- Given McGee’s death – a great tribute to the mortician’s art
- Which bit do I put in my moutth?
- Gerry O’Connor deep in thought
- ‘hat’s it -Smile
- Moderation in the extreme